Corporate Governance

Audit Committee

The Company’s Audit committee comprises of only Independent Directors. The terms of reference of Audit Committee includes overseeing audit functions, review of Company’s financial performance, review critical findings of Internal Audit, compliance with the accounting standards and other matters specified in the Regulation 18 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Mr. Sanjiv Sachar

Chairman, Non-Executive Independent Director

Ms. Geeta Mathur

Member, Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Sharad Malik

Member, Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Arindam Kumar Bhattacharya

Member, Non-Executive Independent Director

Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee

The scope and function of Committee includes approval of transfer and transmission of shares and other matters like consolidation/split of certificates, issue of duplicate share certificates, d/ remateriali-sation of shares. The Committee also monitors the system of redressal of investor grievances and ensures cordial investor relation.

Ms. Aruna Sundararajan

Chairperson , Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Kapil Kapoor

Member, Non- Executive Chairman

Mr. Chintan Arvind Thakkar

Member, Whole-time Director & Chief Financial Officer

Nomination & Remuneration Committee

The functions of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee includes determination of the criteria of appointment to the Board and is vested with the authority to identify candidates for appointment to the Board of Directors and evaluate their performance and to perform all such other functions as prescribed under Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with the rules framed thereunder and Regulation 19 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Mr. Sharad Malik

Chairperson, Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Kapil Kapoor

Member, Non- Executive Chairman

Mr. Ashish Gupta

Member, Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Sanjiv Sachar

Member, Non-Executive Independent Director

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The functions of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee includes formulation and monitoring of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and the activities to be undertaken by the Company.

Ms. Geeta Mathur

Chairperson, Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani

Member, Founder & Executive Vice Chairman

Mr. Hitesh Oberoi

Member, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Chintan Arvind Thakkar

Member, Whole-time Director & Chief Financial Officer

Risk Management Committee

The functions of the Risk Management Committee includes assisting the Board in fulfilling its corporate governance oversight responsibilities; framing, implementing and monitoring the risk management plan for the Company, and formulating a detailed risk management policy.

Ms. Geeta Mathur

Chairperson, Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani

Member, Founder & Executive Vice Chairman

Mr. Hitesh Oberoi

Member, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Chintan Arvind Thakkar

Member, Whole-time Director & Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Ashish Gupta

Member, Non-Executive, Independent Director

Mr. Arindam Kumar Bhattacharya

Member, Non-Executive, Independent Director

Board Familiarisation Programme

Board Familiarisation Programme 2024

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Board Familiarisation Programme

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Code of Conduct

Code of Practices and Procedures for fair Disclosures of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information

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Code of Ethics & Conduct

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Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders

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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

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Dividend Policy

Dividend Policy

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Policy on Material Subsidiaries

Policy on Material Subsidiaries

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Related Party Transaction Policy

Related Party Transaction Policy

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Terms & Conditions of Appointment of Independent Directors

Terms & Conditions of Appointment of Independent Directors

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Remuneration Policy

Remuneration Policy

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